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Becoming an attorney is difficult. Being a first-generation attorney is particularly harrowing to navigate. These stories explain how attorneys went from humble beginnings to unique positions.


Kameron Fleming: On Bankruptcy Law

Armani Madison: On Harvard Law School

Kyle Forges: On Public Defense

Janeil Morgan: On Mentorship

Adriante Carter: On Finding a Path

Emeline Allenegui: On Estate Planning

Brandon Campbell: On Labor and Employment Law

Kameron Fleming
On Bankruptcy Law

The son of immigrants, Kameron Fleming grew up in Maryland, near Washington, D.C. When he was an undergraduate student, Kameron wanted to become an archivist. But, when he was not selected for a coveted position, fate intervened and opened a job for him at a bankruptcy law firm. From that moment forward, Kameron set his sights on graduating from one of the top law schools in the country and becoming a bankruptcy attorney.

Mr. Fleming is a first-generation law student, and while he was completing his undergraduate degree, his original plan did not include law school. In this clip, he explains how and why he took a chance on law school.

Kameron Fleming on choosing to study law
00:00 / 02:35

Once you become an attorney, you have the opportunity to specialize in a specific practice area. In this clip, Mr. Fleming explains how a mentor helped him discover bankruptcy law and provides an example of what kind of issues may arise in a bankruptcy proceeding.

Kameron Fleming on what bankruptcy courts do
00:00 / 06:57
Armani Madison
On Harvard Law School

Born in Illinois and raised in Georgia, Armani Madison excelled through school to eventually be admitted to Harvard Law School. Though his journey was neither linear nor easy, Armani overcame obstacles to become a first-generation attorney. In this oral history, Armani talks about the many steps he had to take to first get into college, then get into law school, and finally become an attorney.

From his earliest memory to a lesson in perseverance, Mr. Madison's favorite rapper is DMX. In this clip, Mr. Madison explains how in DMX's music, we can all learn a lesson of strength through hard times.

Armani Madison on DMX
00:00 / 04:19

Mr. Madison's parents instilled in him that he should pursue higher education from a young age. In this clip, he explains exactly how he ended up attending Brown University, an Ivy League institution, for his undergraduate studies.

Armani Madison on getting into Brown University
00:00 / 04:04
Kyle Forges
On Public Defense

A survivor of childhood cancer, Kyle Forges overcame obstacle after obstacle on his journey to become an attorney. Through the journey, Kyle learned how to become a strong advocate for the community, and this advocacy served Kyle in his role as a public defender.

Mr. Forges is a first-generation attorney, yet he knew he wanted to be a lawyer since he was three. In this clip, Kyle explains how he chose the profession.

Kyle Forges on Why He Wanted to Be a Lawyer
00:00 / 01:20

Mr. Forges' first job out of law school was as an assistant public defender. In this clip, he explains the role public defenders play in the courtroom.

Kyle Forges on Public Defenders
00:00 / 01:39
Janeil Morgan
On Mentorship

Janeil Morgan moved to the United States from Jamaica at a young age. Since the move, she consistently sought out resources and guidance from those older than her. Eventually, when Ms. Morgan was in high school, she started seeking guidance from legal professionals who helped guide her through the journey to become an attorney.

Ms. Morgan had to navigate through many obstacles on her journey to become an attorney. In this clip, she explains two of those obstacles.

Janeil Morgan on Overcoming Obstacles
00:00 / 01:53

Navigating the journey to become an attorney is challenging. Ms. Morgan provides some advice to aspiring attorneys who may not know where to start.

Janeil Morgan's Advice for Future Attorneys
00:00 / 02:04
Kameron Fleming
Armani Madison
Janeil Morgan
Kyle Forges
Adriante Carter
Adriante Carter
On Finding a Path

Adriante grew up in Baltimore and became the first attorney in her family. Navigating higher education was a journey for Adriante, beginning when she transitioned from high school to her undergraduate institution: Delaware State University. While at Delaware State, Adriante excelled, eventually serving as an Legislative Fellow for the Delaware General Assembly. After graduation, Adriante attended the University of Florida where she excelled in her classes, including earning the highest grade amongst her peers in International Human Rights Law.

Adriante is the youngest amongst her siblings. In this clip, Ms. Carter explains how birth order and teachers who encouraged her played a role in her future successes.

Adriante Carter on being the youngest child
00:00 / 02:24

While telling her story, Ms. Carter explained the hurdle she faced in attending college for her undergraduate studies. In this clip, she offers advice for high school students who want to go to college, but who may be fearful of not getting in because of their credentials.

Adriante Carter's advice for struggling high school students
00:00 / 02:43
Emeline Allenegui
Emeline Allenegui
On Estate Planning

Emeline Allenegui is a California native, and a second-generation American. As a Filipina-American, she had to navigate her childhood while balancing cultural and societal expectations. After her undergraduate studies, Emeline found herself in Florida for law school to learn more about culture outside of California and about the United States more broadly. In law school, Emeline found herself gravitating toward estate planning as a practice focus and decided to pursue her LL.M. (advanced law degree) in Tax to better prepare herself for practice. Estate planning is a practice area that helps individuals make a plan for their possessions and wealth after the individual dies.

Editor's Note: This interview discusses a topic that may not be suitable for young viewers. Listener discretion is advised.

Ms. Allenegui explains throughout her interview how few attorneys there are who hail from a similar cultural background. In this clip, she explains how she navigates the profession, knowing how hard it is to often be the only one who looks like her in the room.

Emeline Allenegui on navigating the profession
00:00 / 03:06

While navigating through law school, Ms. Allenegui took steps to make sure she could break into both her practice area and into her desired legal market (location where she would practice). In this clip, Ms. Allenegui explains why she pursued her Tax LL.M. and how she transitioned out of Florida and back to California.

Emeline Allenegui on why she pursued a tax LL.M.
00:00 / 05:25
Brandon Campbell
On Labor and Employment Law
Bradon Campbell

Brandon Campbell was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida. A first-generation college student, Brandon's parents instilled an emphasis on education in Brandon during his childhood. Brandon eventually went to the University of Central Florida for his undergraduate studies.

Regarding his journey to becoming an attorney, Mr. Campbell credits his seventh grade teacher for exposing him to Black lawyers like Charles Hamilton Houston: the former Dean of Howard Law School and the lawyer who paved the way for desegregation lawsuits, including Brown v. Board of Education. In undergrad, with the mentorship from his fraternity brother, Mr. Campbell was able to navigate into law school at the University of Florida. He now works as a labor and employment attorney, crediting his parents for inspiring him to pursue the field of practice. Mr. Campbell is a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated.

When Mr. Campbell was in the seventh grade, a teacher exposed him to the legal profession by highlighting Black lawyers in his classroom materials. In this clip, Mr. Campbell reflects on that exposure in grade school.

Brandon Campbell on learning about Black lawyers in grade school
00:00 / 01:54

Mr. Campbell practices labor and employment law, in part from watching his parents' labor experiences as he was growing up. In this clip, Mr. Campbell reflects on his practice and explains what he does.

Brandon Campbell on labor and employment law
00:00 / 04:04
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